Professional Photographer since 2000 Mauro has expertise in Architecture, Still-Life, Portrait, Events, Industrial, Action and Reportage photography. He is practiced in Works of Art photographic reproduction for Private Clients, Galleries, Museums and Printed Publications. He also has proved experiences in movies backstage Still-photography matured in NYC (USA). Mauro is also skilled in Photographic Retouching and Digital Post Production. Flexible, dynamic, multitasking and able to socialize and integrate rapidly in international teams and foreign environments.
Mauro developed comprehensive intercultural understanding through field work, International Communication Projects and Media Collaborations in limited resources areas. He has matured skills as communication officer and consultant for NGO and International Development Agencies Projects and Programs, and internal documenting photographer storyteller with focus on childhood, women, health, sustainable development and climate change. Proved abilities in Graphic and Logos Design and Art Direction.

Now/2014 Freelance Photographer + VARIAFORMA Creative Studio Co-Founder [EU] 2018 “Lacrimosa Short Film” – Still Photographer [IT] 2016 Advanced PhotoShop Retouching Courses – Marianna Santoni [IT] Now/2014 ARLEXItalia – Photographer at Salone del Mobile di Milano [IT] 2014 “The Mother Short Film” Still Photographer [NYC – USA] 2013 RIMISP Territorial Program with ONU, FAO, IEP, CEPAL – Staff Photographer [Perù + Bolivia] 2012 Slow Food International Staff Photographer – TerraMadre, Salone del Gusto, Torino [IT] 2011 NGO MPDL – Graphic Designer & Editorial Consultant [Guatemala] 2010 CNRmedia – Photojournalist “International Climate Changes Meeting” [Bolivia] 2010 NGO Soleterre – Humanitarian Relief Aid Program of The Italian Cooperation – Photographer & Communication Consultant [El Salvador] 2009/2010 Humanitarian Relief Aid Program of the Italian Cooperation – Project & Communication Officer [Guatemala] 2009 NGO Soleterre – Photographer & Communication Consultant [El Salvador + Guatemala] 2008 Italian Cooperation – Photographer, Communication Officer, Graphic Designer [Guatemala] 2008 EU Youth Program – Photographer & Communication Officer [EU + Guatemala + Honduras + El Salvador] 2008/2001 Free Lance Photographer, Studio Coordinator and Manager [IT] 2007 Free-Lance Photographer [China + Vietnam + Laos + Cambogia] 2006/2005 NGO Soleterre – Communication Officer [IT] 2007/2003 NGO Soleterre – Photographer, Communication Officer and Graphic Designer [EU + Ukraine + Marocco + Ivory Cost] 2002/2001 NGO IBO – Photographer and Story Teller [India + IT] 2000/1999 WWF Italy – Communication Assistant, Social Services [IT] 1999/1997 CFP Bauer MI – BA in Photography [IT]
A few years ago on an ordinary day i was stopped by a sudden summer shower while i was walking under the arcades downtown Milan. Waiting for the rain to stop, i entered the nearest bookshop. It was there that i came across Anne. I was wandering aimlessly around the bookshelves when it got dark unexpectedly. It was a sudden blackout caused by a lightning fallen too near. In these days of terrorist attacks only the faint light of the emergency lamps made the customers to keep calm. I couldn’t see very much but i was attracted by the faint reflection of the neon lamp on the cover of the only one shiny book among a lot of matt ones in front of me. Light came again; a female profile of a disarming beauty was hypnotizing me. She was a foreigner, she introduced herself as Annemarie Schwarzenbach. She told me about her life; i got lost and then i found myself on a train going southwards, back home. An untamed spirit, a delicate soul, a fallen angel; that woman was charming me. In those hard years which marked the beginning of the XX century she overcame unreachable borders and went along roads that were unconceivable for a woman of those times.
Writing, photography, passion, love; she lived every moment with the sensation that it was unique, unrepeatable, necessary. She didn’t lead an easy life, always escaping incomprehension, addiction, fear, a world which disappointed her and which didn’t belong to her, escaping a life which wasn’t hers, escaping herself. She was always running away from all those shades we too often have inside us, always searching for something, for the other one. I myself was searching for something, something else, something unknown, something different from me. Soon I realized I was on her side, on the other side, “on the shade side”.
This web-site is dedicated to Anne and to all those women who are looking for themselves and you can only meet while travelling.
Mauro Corinti